Earlier in physics class..

I woke up with a jolt. I shook my head from side to side. My classmates sitting near me were giggling.

"What happened?"I asked
"you drifted off to sleep. You have been sleeping for 15 to 20 minutes", replied one of my friends, with a large grin on his face.

"I couldn't help it guys, This shit is too boring", I justified my sleep.

I studied my mates carefully, they had not stopped giggling ever since I woke up. Something was wrong, something about me that they found funny, something..

My jaws literally dropped when realization of their behavior struck. I was staring right at my copybook; on which I put my head on while sleeping. There was a pool of saliva all over my copybook. All my notes were ruined.

I knew one thing for sure, not only that now I have to take all notes from scratch, BUT SHIT JUST TOOK PLACE!!!!!

Tags: Short Story

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