I am beginning to hate myself. My face. I hate
getting up in the morning, for I know I'll have to
face myself again. Everything about me is so
distorted. An aweful complexion, an
unproportionate nose, a pair of scarcely visible
eyes. That is how my face looks like daily. To
make things worse, I am surrounded by pretty
people. This world full of hotties and beauties,
me being an exception. Why me? I wonder what
special tonic these people use to look so
flawless. I wish I could get some too. There are
days when I think I look good too. But these
are rare. I want to be one of those beautiful
girls out there too.
--------------- --------------- --------
Every single girl out there is pretty. It just takes
the right guy to notice that. Moreover, why do
we need a guy to tell us that we are beautiful?
We are sensible enough. Whenever you look at
yourself in the mirror next, try and ignore the
negatives for once. You are beautiful. Not
because you are fair or you have the best of
features, but because you are unique. In this
entire world, there is no other You. You are one
of a kind. Celebrate your uniqueness.
Every girl wants to look like that airbrushed and
toned model on the magazine cover. But that is
not how it works. Beauty lies in imperfection.
The person who actually loves you will love you
for what you are and not what you want to be.
So the next time you are face to face with
yourself, adore yourself. Intead of critically
analyzing every inch of your body, smile at that
pretty face which you see in the mirror. And
your days will be happier. When you love
yourself, life is all the more fun. Believe that
you are pretty, prettier than her. Pretty in your
own way.
'Beauty is not in a makeup bag, nor in a price
tag. It's a all in your heart, that's where it all
starts. We were ment for so much more than a
stare in the mirror that lies about the exterior.'

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