I still remember the day we broke up..
You said for me life is like a movie..
You said that i am very selfish..

i know i said a yes to you even though i dint love you..
i know that hurt your feelings..
but i did not wanted to hurt u by saying no..
there was only one reason i did not wanted to lose you..

i know you always say that i am confused..
so confused that cannot feel if i love u even after a month in relationship..

I had said that lets be friends after break up..
you said that i am so selfish..
i cant love u n cant leave u also..

yes.. i am selfish..

so you just left me never called..
never messaged.. never met..

i being a boy.. i am not suppose to cry.. but i did..

You said i am selfish..

Did you think what will i do without you?

How would i eat.. after u going away.i still remember how you used to feed me..

U just left like a breez leaving me stand alone..

I am cruel I am bad.. you sad..

everyday i cry you never saw..
for all i did was i cared for you..
you never saw..

Everytime someone slams me with their harsh words..
it feels lyk someones slowly pinning needles in my heart..
knowing that self pitty is not a good thing..

i can do nothing but miss you..
you moved on.. i should've..
You won.. I lost..
i lost you..

yes i am selfish..

and i am dying slowly..

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