Walking on the lonely road I found you,
Beneath the sky and ocean blue.

You enjoying the droplets of water,
Falling on your tenement like pearl. :)

Ran to hold you in my arm,
Was impervious to see you from far and calm.

Hold your hand and hugged you first,
Tasted the hot breath on ma shirt. :)

Felt like I, in the heaven,
Times you kissed me the seven.

Were not in the estate to talk,
Nor the words help in the rainy drop. ^_^

I was in the propensity to hold you longer,
But time permits it no longer.

You went back again to your palace,
Was in empty road ,I, lone embarrass. :'(

Tears ran out of my eyes,
No one sees that, needn’t to be shy. :'(

Not was I in the mood to isolate,
Promise will enjoy the same in imminent. :

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