Stumbling through the dark I reach out as fear grips my soul, every angle filled with black nothing no comforting faint light of gray no hope of finding my way....
In a fraction of second of terror two arms reach out and grab me firmly as my heart stops beating......
Then the words "It's me." break down the momentary walls fear and for a moment I gasp and remember this voice,these arms, and the love that left me breathless in that instant my arms fearing losing this touch again held tightly never wanting our bodies to part....
Closing my eyes I breath you in, Why did I forget these feelings?
Pressing myself into you hoping I can stay here everything begins to illuminate as the snow helps spread the moonlight I want to look up and see you the one who led me to this moment over lifetimes shared. All I have forgotten comes to me in waves of the happy, melancholy, and heartbreaking moments shared when we were the truest "us".

Can I stay here I wondered as I looked to see the"you" you have become the light blinds me as the sun crests the horizon outside into my window, as I awaken a desperately try to hold on to sleep willing to give up myself to eternal sleep if I can stay by your side then I am not scared of the pitch black or burn of the light as long as I have your arms around me.

Tears fill my eyes as morning pulls my body from yours without seeing who you are now, still I now know why I have always felt a hole in myself looking for you in everyone have felt close to and always feeling lost when I find you are not there with those eyes that always seem unsure of your actions but still unafraid to push forward those eyes I have always found myself as who I truly am in, until I can find you I will push forward like you have always done hoping I will find you again in a world I can stay in by you holding onto the hand I always sought.

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