
Dear Chubby Cheeks,

What a splendid dream it was!
I can recollect every aspect of it. And, of course, I am able to do that. As whatever all it was, is what is not so far to happen in reality as well.

It was most probably a scene from those days when we both were having vacations at our respective homes (a scene to become true during upcoming Diwali vacations). At my house, we (me and my sisters) were sleeping with beddings arranged on floor just like we used to in vacations (I loved the sessions of long talks which happened then). So, all three of us bro-sis were together. But, something was changed. What was it?? ME. :)
I had this sadness and pain (it’s not the very same common physical pain exactly, it’s sort of a feeling like someone has choked your guts from inside… and you start feeling the poundings the heart makes with every beat as if to come out of body) in my heart to meet her, to be with her. Happiness or sadness, all of them, I just wanted to face them with you on my side.

As for those restless nights, to our pleasure, we were lucky to be able to lessen them in number. Under some good stars, I had already told Ma, and my sisters knew as well. No one was going to bug me for it, I believe. But, still, to avoid some big staring eyes, I used to have "talks" when everyone was about to sleep. I saw myself craving to meet her, but, alas, it wasn't possible.

I found myself hiding inside a blanket with a headset wire coming out of my otherwise tightly covered body. I am starting to believe it was actually a foresight, or else how would you even justify this winter scene when I am actually sleeping under fan these days. To remind you, I nowhere actually saw that it was a festival time. It could’ve been just another holiday. But, with everyone’s presence at home, this was subconscious mind playing its part. Yep, it was a foresight. I don't remember our talks. But, they were as deep as they are these days and as simple as possible.

(This is second subsequent dream, though, while recollecting I found out that both were linked together)

Now happily those nights would have gone! But, suddenly from the mist, the bright daylight appeared. This next day, a surprise popped out. I don’t know if it was pleasant or not. I found that Neha had come to my home… (The reason: - she had to get an LPG refill cylinder from PA…lame eh. People used to come and get things from us, for papa is a very resourceful person. :P But, why would she come for this work, this is a man's job. I want to believe that she came to handover some documents or invitation, that would be best.)Anyways, when she was keying her scooty, I was already out standing at my front door. There, at the very moment, I don't know if it was her time to go or was she just entering, but, we stood in shade at the main door for some time. The bright sunlight reflecting from road was competing with one from our marble floor. I asked her if she even recollects me a little bit (7years eh?). I told her about you also. But, wait, this did not happen so early! Before that, I asked her why she never ever remained in touch with me. I mean, was I a bad guy to stay in touch with? Or was I less approachable? Rather, none of these classmates ever contacted. I remembered how I wanted her to do well in studies, which she wasn't able to produce at school. And, then, I saw her laughing with her little sister (just like the picture she had posted on face-book recently. Now don’t you call me a stalker, I like to know about people I had a past with). We talked a few more things which I don't think I remember now. Then, I mentioned about Chubby Cheeks, about you. I don't remember her response, but suddenly, I felt that I was unsure to tell her. I wonder from where it rooted, may be, because I am too anxious to get us tied up. But then, I mentioned it. And the scene dissolved with a ring tone. A mobile ring tone…

And, there, you had called me. This telepathy is working so fine between us. It might be just a perception we want to believe into, but, I have started building faith in magic as well. Luck, is different from magic. It’s an unsolvable mathematical calculation which is precisely more explainable with CHAOS theory. But, magic, is some dark science. I picked up the call. I wanted to tell you about the dreams I had. But, I found that you had exams today. To my surprise, you had hid this fact from me. We were just chatting previous night as if we had all the time on Earth. I prayed sincerely to GOD, that you do well, so that, you don’t regret chatting with me. I, as an intuition, told you that you would atop it. You insisted to continue talking for my sake (I know I love to talk), but, I insisted to chat only after your exam and asked you to study instead.

I had recollected these first two dreams pretty well, so that I don't forget anything when I get to tell you. As I slowly rolled back into sleep ...
(This part appeared as a third dream with memories from first two.)

That night, I told you about Neha. And this time, I don't know how or why, I was already feeling like I had done something wrong at her back. So, I felt a shame in telling you about my talks with Neha, though, all I did was talk with her in a friendly way. This dream changed its surrounding in mysterious ways when I found out suddenly that people at home don’t like my talks at night. It made my vacations even harder. I wanted to roam around the city with you. After all, it was going to be our first Diwali together. On the contrary, it was now going to be even more painful now because now being at our homes, both of us would not be able to even talk to each other. Meeting each other was a far away dream (even inside dream, lol). I wished, had I been a kid, I could have simply met with your mother and asked her nicely, “Can we play around Ma’m?” To which, I know, no mother would have said no. (After all who doesn’t like a decent child with guts and manners around theirs?)

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