I see dreams with unfailing regularity
Sometimes it's about people
often of myself
something to happen
or things gone and done

They warn me of hidden reefs
in placid waters
like sharks darting uninvited
Of folk nice on the face
but stabbers behind the back

Some times they make no sense
just events of the day
running endlessly through
my harried mind, I wake up
exhausted, what a night!

If I've had pizza or heavy dinner
then it's gonna be a nightmare
so I'd better eat light
and make sure that
I see something bright

There are times I'm running
or walking bare feet
and then spending all night
looking for my chappals
so silly of me!

I'm the onlooker at times
observing events unfolding
horrific or beauteous
the scene still so vivid and fresh
I can remember years down the lane

So I was really surprised
when one day I walked down to the market
brought my kilo of onions and potatoes
when the seller, a middle aged man suddenly
began to sing, "Dream girl...dream girl."

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