I had been thinking. For a change.
Ha ha.

I mean, what do we women do to protect ourselves from perverts and predators?
I realize the worst time for a woman is when she's alone using public transport.
I would suggest the following steps.

# Employ a bodyguard who looks like Salman Khan. Highly muscular and good looking. No one would dare come near you. Except perhaps a Katrina lookalike.

# Wear a dress completely made of needles embroidered onto it. He would surely keep his hands to himself the next time.

# Be the last to get into the bus and the last to get out. Don't stop anywhere midway. You would have to commute like crazy each day catching umpteen number of buses to reach your destination. But you'd be completely safe. No one would grope you as you hurriedly embark or get into the bus.

# Always sit upright in your seat. Don't slouch. This shows confidence.

# Don't look at anyone. Look straight ahead. Not even at the conductor or driver. Or they'll think you have this crush for them.

# Talk very loudly on your mobile throughout the journey. Pretend its your non existent boyfriend. Act like you and he are great pals. Your would be attacker's already left the bus.

# Act like you are crazy. Just hum some tunes from a popular movie, swaying at times to the beat. Don't forget to cry, 'Ooooo..' to the music. Your CV's now complete. No body would want to bother an already mad woman.

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