Don't blame me, I have started thinking in that direction now... and somehow as I observe my surroundings and pay close attention to inputs i find shades of misogyny and male chauvinism everywhere.
Firstly, i feel that there is just alot of hatred in this world and the net apparently is the easiest way to spill your frustrations on. Look at any pics or videos and there are comments full of hatred and abuses at each other.
I especially hate it, when any woman, dissenting from conformity is labelled as a sl*t or a wh**e. Women and men alike don't think twice before accusing and labeling other women with such derogatory terms.

There is so much hypocrisy.
Men can have girlfriends, but they come out as insanely protective brothers and 'don't allow' their sisters to keep any boyfriends.

A man is just being a man when he exercises his sexual freedom, he can be horny and its totally cool because men are just being themselves. But if a woman talks about sex and fantasies and when she writes erotic literature, people start branding her, and feel free to throw filthiest possible advances at her. Once i was reading this piece that a man had written describing his experience of the first night with his beloved wife, and there were comments that said stuff like, "by putting this up on a public platform, you have proved what a wh**e your wife is and now everyone can please her because now everyone knows what she likes"- I mean what the hell? What sort of a people are we? With the second largest population in the world, we pretend that sex is something bad, that shouldn't be talked about? And especially women should not have any sexual desires or fantasies or longings? Why do we have such a narrow view about everything?

Similarly, girls this is my message to you. We really need to stop putting our sisters down, we need to stop being divided and live in a sort of a sisterhood. I watched 'fashion' recently- the movie starring priyanka chopra and she sleeps with arbaaz khan who is her boss. In the movie the incedent portrays her downfall. It shows that she has changed for worse, but apparently it was completely okay for arbaaz khan, who was married and had kids; to cheat on his wife and sleep with her? Isn't it the married man's prerogative to stay faithful regardless of all temptations? We should not forget that it is the married couple who has taken the vow to be together and not others around them. Its their responsibility to be faithful to each other first. So girls, before we brand the woman as a husband/boyfriend steal-er, don't we need a reality check about the men in our lives?

Similarly, incase of prostitutes. The identity of someone who sells her body is used as an abuse for the rest of the 'civil' society and those who avail her services, are not responsible for anything? Not liable to anyone?

I find this hypocrisy rather odd...

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