A queer feeling, a unique one.
Feeling of moving away
Fear of losing the one
Confusion of what to do
Keeping the hope with a shaking faith
Tears at one time, smiles at the other
Not knowing how to respond to the situation
when You find you are completely helpless from every side
You cannot run
You cannot hide
You cannot talk directly
You are worst at expressing
The others never understand
What to do when you feel like a sick patient with the passion of flying away!
What to do when you feel like the deprived one with just one love!
What to to when you have things to do, but the worries keep you occupied!
I think it is best to avoid the irritants in your life!
I don't care whether that is my blood relation or whatever, if that relatoin is snatching away my peace of mind, I am certainly going to isolate myself from that one! For I have had enough of compromises and practice of patience!
I have to keep myself strong!

Tags: Perplexed

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