Hey guys!
I just glanced at the ranking list on the home page.
And laughed!
I wondered...just wondered..
Now what would happen if MM overtook KK one day???
That day seems very close..
I mean, MM was created to escape from the drudgery of being KK..
Now if MM overtakes KK, then what would MM do next???
Adopt another pen name??

Not allowed on Wb yet.
So guys..
buck up..
and fasten your seat belts..
start writing feverishly..
don't just keep reading..

write on love, write on riches
write on animals, write on success
on politicos, impoverished medicos
on helpless women..
macho 'mooochudd' men..
of lungis
n fungis
on zeroes n unsung heroes
take a shovel
dig up a new novel

so come on..
gal n guy
newbie or old fry
why feel shy?
don't just lazily on the Wb mat lie

do anything
but don't let MM
overtake KK
she's already on another century!!

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