Life cannot be Picture Perfect and so cannot be the people....

Don't Judge a book by its cover...

It seems to be a really simple phrase but is perfectly true.. Normally we get attracted to things, people by their appearances but appearances can be deceptive too. It may not be the case always but you tend to come across things like these...So many things are available which are beautifully gift wrapped to lure the attention of the people but is actually nothing when opened. Same is the case with people. You believe or rather you want to believe that the other person is just the way you think he is or is simply perfect the way he/she appears to be but when the reality strikes, its too late to step backwards.

Then a question arises are we being judgmental or is it really the way we think it is.
Whatever it may be the bottom line is, that it gives you happiness and brings a smile on your face for a few moments but it is really short lived.

But then do we really have time and the patience these days to give someone a chance to get to know each other exactly the way we are, know the true personality of the other person, know the true oneself.. Hmmmmm....difficult to answer...because as I said we become judgmental and instead of accepting the facts we try to run away from them. We forget the no one is perfect and that includes us too...

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