We often focus on problems faced by young girls in our society, we forget our boys.
They have real issues too.

Someone recounted to me an incident that happened to her only child the other day. He had been to the tenth standard boys' scout camp, where he was molested by his best friend in the toilet. He resisted further advances with all his might and fled.

He, already a loner, was shell shocked. But having an easy relationship with his parents he narrated the story to them.
His board exams just around the corner, he finds it hard to focus on studies.

He avoids friends.
"How could my best buddy do this to me?"
Unanswered questions assail his tender mind.

He's gone into his shell.
Tough, uphill climb.

Our boys suffer too, albeit silently.
It's time we peep into their worlds and instead of judging them as peculiar, we'd just sit down and listen to their story..their heartache.

They suffer like girls too.

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