Having read quite a few break up stories of late, I now come to the conclusion...NEVER fall in love.
I mean, I always held the view since I was born, I suppose...but I think all break up stories end with my line. Never again!

So why do we do it? Again and again? Like sheep to the slaughter..chicken to the cutting board.

Why don't you fall in love with a nice, good looking hefty ...er..book???
Or a cute puppy?
Or a fat cow that goes mooooo on seeing you.

Develop a crush on the white fluffy pomeranian..a bouncing ball of rolling fur. Visit a zoo. Adopt a tiger. Feed a kangaroo.
Why feed 'em gals? And lose her n your precious pennies?

Develop a crush on stamps. Collect an album full of them. At least you can smooch them as much as you want...:)

Animals are real loyal. Buy a goose. Run around it instead of the guy in torn jeans. At the most goose gives you a firm nip on your nose..not heartache like losing that guy.
Hug the huge elephant when you crave that sweet gal's huge hug. You could give her a 'trunk' call at times, when you miss her lots.

Visualize how she or he would look several years from now. The bald guy with his huge potbelly....or the gal then so stout, she needs to go through doorways sideways!
Your love (infatuation) would simply fly out of the window.

Look in the mirror and fall in love with yourself. At least you cannot ditch yourself!

Why give your precious heart away so cheaply?
Reserve it ...preserve it
it's priceless..
don't simply give it away.

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