The bright morning rays that penetrated through the window made a criss- cross pattern on my face. I was forced to open my eyelids. My limbs stretched out in an attempt to touch the ceiling. I folded my hands in prayer by habit, even though I didn't utter a syllable and was just snoozing away. Then I got up, and did my usual routine. While brushing my teeth I thought,"Does it matter?" What will happen if I refuse to offer my prayers to the sun god?

The papers were ferociously fluttering due to the wind. Even the papers wanted to abandon me, it seemed. I was venting my emotions as not a living soul came to my aid when I was in distress. I thought, "Does it matter?" What would happen if I were plunged into solitude with not a Homo sapien sapiens to listen to my chatter?

While thinking of something clever to write for this post, I thought, "Does it matter?" What would happen if I write utter crap and post this removing the "anonymous" sign and letting the world know who wrote this? After all, we have the freedom of expression. It doesn't matter what we write, or why we write, what matters is, "we" should feel light-hearted after writing because that's the soul reason why we joined this blog, page or whatever on the first place. Heck, I don't even care whether people understood what I wrote.

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