Do you know what happens when you slap your
GF? She gets to know what kind of a man she
should never date.
Do you know what happens when you abuse her
publicly? She pity on the girl you will marry.
Do you know what happens when you go and
tell your friends that you slapped and abused
her? You either lose some good friends or
people get to know what kind of a company you
get along with.
If your BF is abusive be it verbally or physically,
know it, you're letting a man feel that he is
dominating. You've no rights to go blah blah
over other men. You have no rights to take a
stand for any women. You cannot do it for
yourself, you cannot do it for others.
Why is it like every girl thinks that only HE is
the ONE? Why do you have to think of the
marriage before even getting to know someone?
No, you cannot think of getting married to him
before even getting to know him. Just for this
thought, you let that ONE( who is going to be
your ex soon) or anyone keep on abusing you.
And you? You keep satisfying yourself with the
thought that someday he'll feel it. This is same
as like praying to GOD.
I cannot be at a level and show how many
things HE is doing wrong but I can always tell
what all the things YOU are doing wrong.
He may never feel it but you can always know

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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