Do you know that when a girl breaks a guy’s
heart, it’s much, much, much more than you
know it affected him? That his tears are not
only to show how much it hurt but to at least
try to blur out the world so he can forget?
That he thinks every sleeping and waking
moment what the hell did he do wrong? That
when he looks at the photos of you with him,
he tries to tear it but can’t because they’re
very beautiful memories to keep? That he
can’t throw away the gifts and he carefully
preserves them because you gave it to him? That whenever he thinks of
the "I love you" words you told him, he mutters
"I love you, too" but realizes he can’t say it
anymore? That it’s like the whole world
tumbling before his very eyes? NO. You don’t
know what it feels like. You don’t know how it
feels to be cheated, to be left, to be fooled. And
it’s taken very seriously because, once a guy
loves a girl, He REALLY DOES......

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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