Do you agree??'s been quite a few days that I am on this website,but trust me I can see myself improving everyday,though I know I still gotta work a lot.Here goes another article,and its a little bit of philosophy:)

We all have the strong and the weak version of ourselves imbibed you agree??.To the world,we need to show the matured and the strong version.But this weak portion of us,makes us what we are.Like I have a weak point EMOTIONS .
Often people come and ask me how I manage ro keep smiling all through the day and how can someone be so happy afterall.I just have a smile for them.
coming to these emotions,I really hide them deep inside me and never show it to the world.Yeah,I just can't see anybody in pain.My heart cries out to them.But it is all a silent process going inside my head.These thoughts get reflected and apparently grow to an extent I can't handle.I wasn't like this at all.I always had that attitude WHO CARES ..But two years ago something changed me forever.That incident left me broken,yet I grew strong through all of it.Its buried deep down,because it can never be shared with any single person on earth.I know what being in pain feels like.Because I have been in an intensive one.
I always walk with a smile :) but dear ones,know what I just let some people walk through your heart.So the weak points you have are always seen by them.I may say,you let them see.Talking to them is nothing but talking to yourself.This is how I am working on my emotions.Afterall I am blessed with the best of people in the world :)

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