Angel of Direction

“Dniknam, oh Dniknam, …what a strange name he has…I wonder if it is an alias…..It has to be legit…or God would not have sent me to him….He’s really not listening…That flat…looking thing that light shines from, is on all the time…It’s really loud too…. And annoying….OK, enough chattering let’s get back to business…….Dniknam!!!!!”

“What!! Did someone call…All these many months and still no angel…OK, it’s only been a few days…Feels like a long time,”

I quickly grabbed the remote and turned the television off. Then I walked in a semi-circle around the coffee table and turned the sound off on the computer. It was perfectly still in the room, accept for the blaring sound of my hi-fi surround sound system playing, “A Hard Days Night,” so I walked the around the table and leaned over to pause the CD.

“Dniknam!!! This is your angel speaking. You’ve been calling haven’t you?”

“OH, OH, ….. there you are….or where are you?…I hear you but…..”

The only human in the room, me, turned in circles looking for the angel. I knew it had to be Direction. For days I’d been waiting and praying and waiting and praying for him to come as promised. At this point I had almost given up.

“Dniknam, are you the Dniknam of the Dniknam clan of Dniknamville? Do you have ID?........”

I started to reach in my wallet.

“That was a joke, son…..just a poor angel joke. We haven’t heard many new jokes, lately…at least ones than are clean. Humans think they are funny with their crudeness….That’s another subject for another time. ….So you are Dniknam?”

“Sir, Mr. Angel….Direction is it? Where are you? I’m getting dizzy walking in circles trying to see where you are.”
“I’m right here.”

“Where is ‘right here’?”

“Whoops, I forgot….you can’t’ see me…yet…Stop walking in circles for a moment….Look at the TV screen.”

I was really dizzy from walking in circles but I finally got my head leveled enough to focus on the large flat-screened TV.
Direction asked me, “Do you see me, now?”

“Yes….What? What are you doing on the TV? Angel on TV? Is that really you?”

“I just thought it is a good a place as any…You were staring at it earlier so I figured…It sounded good at the moment. Anyway, listen up…I have a message from God!!!!”

“Thee GOD?”

“Didn’t you ask the head angel, Decision, that very same question.? YES!! Thee GOD: The God who made the universe and every living thing. He even created you and your family and your kids…..”

“Yea, I get it….THE BOSS guy….In charge….Yea, I’m listening.”

“Ok, now that I’ve got your attention…look into my eyes.”

The angel on the TV screen became larger and larger. And I walked closer and closer. I looked directly into the angels eyes and it seems as if I was transported into a different place. Then I fell into a deep sleep.

When I awoke a bright light shone in my eyes. For a moment I was blinded. When I could see again, my room was transformed into a beautiful countryside. I stood in the middle of a fork in the road with a narrow, nearly invisible pathway to my right, and what looked like a super highway to my left.

It was quiet for what seemed like the longest time. I stared to the right then I stared to the left. The angel brought me here, but what do I do now?

Then great sounds of joy and happiness came from the road to the left. It sounded like an incredible party was happening just down the highway. Music was blaring and I could hear some of my favorite songs. It grew louder and it filled my ear drums with excitement and energy. The super highway was drawing me closer and closer to its entrance.

“Go where there is no path…..Go where there is no path….Leave a trail…….Go where there is not path……Go where there is no path!!!!!”

“I hear something in the distance is that you Direction?”

“Go where there is no path…..Go where there is no path….Leave a trail.”

I was in a dilemma. I could barely see the trail to the right, but I was drawn to the safety of the super highway. I stared at the trail to the right and the voice in the distance got louder and louder.”

“Go where there is no path…..Go where there is no path….Leave a trail.”

I took one step forward toward the right. The music and laughter bellowed from my left. I took another step toward the right and the music on the left grew fainter.

“Go where there is no path…..Go where there is no path….Leave a trail.”

I reached out my hands and pushed back the trees and brush that seemed to block my path to the right. The noise on the left drew fainter. My insides were swirling with doubt and fear, yet with expectancy. Step by step I walked not seeing the path only walking by feel. The voice grew louder.

“Go where there is no path…..Go where there is no path….Leave a trail.”

I heard a sound behind me. I was startled at first and afraid to turn around and see what this noise was. When I did turn around nothing was there.

“Where did that angel go?” I thought. He left me out here in this jungle; in this wilderness. I must go back to the fork in the road.

“Go where there is no path…..Go where there is no path….Leave a trail.”

For a moment I stopped and looked around. I was trying to get my bearings. It is telling me to blaze a trail. That means I may be the first to walk this path. I was so afraid. What if I go the wrong way? What if I’ve already gone the wrong way?

The voice became louder and louder each step I took.

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