People disappear. Flee their voice, their laughter, the warmth of their breath.
Disappearance of their flesh, and ultimately bone. Disappears, the memory of these people. This is terrible and at the same time natural. However, some people manage to avoid the complete disappearance, as they continue to exist in the books they have created. We can rediscover these people - their humor, their manner of speech, their quirks. Through the written word they can cause our anger or bring us joy. They can calm us down. They can perplex us. They may have to change. And all this despite the fact that they are dead. Like a fly in amber, or as a body frozen in eternal ice, a wonderful combination of ordinary ink and paper maintains that the laws of nature must disappear. This is akin to magic.
Whether they feel or not, these dead writer....that someone is reading their books? There appeared a thin ray of light in the surrounding darkness hereafter? Do you feel immortal soul connection with the mind reading?

I hope so. After all, it's probably so lonely - to be dead.

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