Someone wrote a poem ..I wrote one too..
but they ignored me totally..boy how I rue
I saw some five line stories..
And I wrote some...only got multiple blank stares
I thought I'd pen a neat novel
That would stir up every bowel
But what if none reads it?
They want something quick n swift
Then I thought I'd go spiritual as a ghost
Not even a fly gave a passing glance to my post
Politics ain't my cup of tea..its all about sonia,modi crying ''
world events push me to the brink..
How much they raise a stink!
I then saw many polling on the romantic
On bedded bliss n gleeful lick
So finally I tried my hand at it..couldn't make it they wanted.
Two polled only..
On poor old me..
I'm in a dilemma..
Oh my dadi maaa..
What do I write?
Should I now fly a kite
Or be grocer in a store?
No one reads me anymore!!!

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