Often we find ourselves teamed up with awful folk. Be it in a college project, lab partners or even at work. They are so difficult to get along with. Our pet peeve then... "he or she rubs me the wrong way."

I did grumble too. I had my fair share of difficult folk coming my way once too often.
Many times I wished they weren't there. If only life was just roses, roses and roses all the way!
But instead, I see thorns and nettles strewn all along.

One day, He did open my eyes.
What if these people really needed my help? What if God actually placed them in my path for a purpose?
To change them. To transform them.

My mind reverted back to His days on earth. He was coupled with a man, who with eleven others, formed his team who'd shake the world. The man carried the money bag but helped himself to it on many an occasion.

The man's moral degradation had begun. He heard too many sermons, watched multitudes of miracles. He wasn't touched.
In spite of subtle hints from his Master, he refused to come clean.

Finally he betrayed the Hand that had lovingly fed him, had soothed his feverish head on those tiresome travels and the One who had lovingly held on to him in the hope that one day he would come back to Him, a changed man.
Nothing worked. He'd chosen his own terrible destiny.
The rest became history.

As I pondered, it became increasingly apparent to me that if He went through such awful stuff at the hands of one whom He so loved...how much more could I.
How dare I question His ways!

Difficult people coming my way may stubbornly refuse to change.
But, in the process, I realize, I've changed.
I'm more patient, tolerant now than before.

So I decide it's actually good for me that difficult folk come my way.
Either they change or they change me!

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