Did you know?

She was lost, since she woke

Lost in the wilderness, bewildered

Where expectations took her captive

She dreamt nothing but blank dreams

Was given nothing but carved thoughts


Did you see?

How frightened she looked

Her painfully mute eyes

Sparkling like colors in autumn

Just before they fade away


Did you notice?

The smirk she paved

When asked what she aspired.

The dead blood in her eyes

The silent weep her heart gave

The blotch of irony, shining on her face


Did you listen?

To her silent wails

Her tearless cries, in the dead night

Whilst you were asleep

Yeah! She screamed.


Alas! You failed to notice

The shallowness, the emptiness;

Her eyes had hidden

The quirks,the whims;

Her conscience had given

The scars, the burns;

Her heart had engraved

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