At the age of 17 when boards are just over and one feels like going gaga about almost everything dat makes u happy and gives you fun .At dat very moment starts Admission time .
Admission to a level where cut offs score higher than the countable no.s and the pressure in mind makes you forget that to do list which you made. You run here and there consulting your relatives and teachers as if dey are spectators of your life and your very own life is a mere game .

MY experience

Those marks which once made me feel jubilant are now of no charm.I went south about my marks even after scoring a decent perc( passout yr 2011,when 88 % wasn’t dat bad ) and By dint of it I lost all confidence , I lost myself.
So being a girl my family took my life in their hands and got me admitted in a girls college. Which I completely abhorred. Not only because there were no Guys ( :P OBVIOUSLY) BUT ALSO BCUZ I CUDNT BREATHE.
I JUST CUDNT BREATHE IN THE MIDDLE OF GALS TOKING ABOUT Fashion , clothes , college politics. I would shout to seek attention but no1 wud pay heed.
I lost myself in that period.
I used to hide from frnds and family and not go for any school reunions.I would just lock myself and think of dark world ….

( This was the introduction to 1st yr’s experience .Im in 3rd yr nw…there is more to come in future post )

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