Every step that I take forward, feels like deja vu.
I don't have to do it to me, I don't have to do it to you.
The division of souls, that forever pain;
That forever incompleteness, shouldn't happen again.
I just realized it, and I cried like hell;
I don't wanna reach that height, from which the last time I fell.
I m sorry kid,
For all that I did.
I wanna save my soul, its getting divided again.
I can see the cut, I can feel the pain.
I'd prefer to let out an ocean of tears, but not an ounce of my soul.
I remember the countless hours of staring into nowhere.
Drifting into nothingness with each passing moment, unaware.
The blank eyes that looked at me through the mirror, the lines and tear stains.
I've been slaughtered once and I am not ready to be, again.
It's selfish, it's abrupt; I know this is not done.
Only to save my soul, I am on the run.
It's indulging, it's pure; but obsessive too.
It made me shiver, the sense of deja vu.
I won't do it to myself, I don't wanna do it to you.

Tags: Tragedy

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