I was happy when I was in love yesterday,
it hurts when I talk about it today,
things went horrible as I never thought
time has given me such a great loss

as all dreams are left abandon
I feel so incomplete without his presence
why all this happened
when i never wanted it

the feel of your in still in me
how u can forget the time when u n i were WE
All says with time, it heals ; but
for me time is not a great remedy

All it does is a deep sore in me
want to recover every second of ME
to be stable and get u at last,

Want to go back,
n remove all path,
Walk together again
in a dims love street
where there is no sorrows
where there is WE at last

If u want to be together
just say that u will try at last,
because once u said forever
n that made me cry

I wish I was strong as I used to be
before all this has hunted me
So that I can stand and face
How the world sees ME ..

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