Life is un predictable we got those things some times which we never think of but they become best for us in way but it does not mean that we The Humans feel happy or satisfy with all of it , I don't know why we always find negative points from every thing ? May be its human nature or may be it happens only with some people I m not sure actually , I don't think like this at every point but yeah I do sometimes ....

I always want to be satisfy from my life I think everybody wants this so do I but I couldn't, I don't know why I always failed I have so many things around me , lots of blessings with grace of GOD but still I feel some thing is missing ! Even sometime I feel that I have nothing to b thankful to GOD and this is not good and this feeling is worst when you have so many things around you but you still feel lonely , empty from deep inside ...

Anyways I don't want to under estimate my self anymore and I think It should not happen , if It come in my mind again then I am sure it would Be difficult to get out of it again so, I don't want to let it happen again ....

I wish I can change my pessimistic nature ,
I wish I would get control on my negative thoughts ,
I wish I also think like a optimistic people ,

Raastey Kaha'n Khatam
Hotey Hai'n Zindagi Ky Safar

Manzilei'n Wahi'n Hai'n
Jahaa'n Khawaishei'n Tham

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