"It's Ok, You can return back home.", said mom.
"What about dad?"
"I talked to him. He let it go just for today."
"one day is just what I need"

With that I disconnected the call. I took my bag and grabbed my A3 size file. The bell rang, signalling the end of the 15 minutes break. I sighed. It's time to make a move. I'm in for the risk or I back out now. NOOOOOO!!!! I'm in !! I'm in!!!

I made my mind. I walked through the main corridor. I felt nervous. What if the plan failed? What the hell am I talking about? The worse they can do is to suspend me for two weeks. Well that would be quite a holiday. I turned. I was now making my way to the small handball pitch at the back of the science department. It was famous for being the spot for smoking and bunking.

My seniors were sitting near the wall. But I knew they wouldn't rag me. I'm well respected in the college.

"Going home?", one of them asked.
"yeah", I replied, managing a weak smile.

They helped me climb the wall and wished me luck. I jumped. I jogged through the small path among the tall grass and I peeked on both sides of the road. A caretaker was at the far end of one side. I waited for him to turn his back on me. Then I crossed the road and ran to the back of the sugar factory near the school.

I rested. I caught my breath. Then I walked to the Bus stop, and took the first bus to ride my way to FREEDOM!!!..

Honestly, I felt like a criminal escaping jail.. :P

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