Am really sorry if I have hurt you in any way.

Nowadays I don't get to see any of your fact I do miss them! I must admit some of your posts were good and really spoke to my situation then.

But..dear RR..I do believe,we here at wb must not only be ready to praise posts but also be able to point out corrections. In a gentle, humble manner. The aim is to see writers evolve.

Most of your stuff was indeed COPIED.
I enjoyed them no doubt..but I also wished you would write more often on your own.You did post some of your own..they were good.

I know the posts you added required time and to select the best needs immense skill. But if only you had used that much time to think and pen some original stuff!! You'd hate me now even more I know..

Please don't take me wrongly. I did try to hint at times..
Please come back soon. We are sure you will do wonders.
With your pen of course.
Hope you take this nicely.
Bracing myself for some #@#% words!

Yours bluntly..

#(But I strongly feel you are still around..maybe with a different name).

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