To begin with, let us tell you we ALL aren't what you think we are!
Yes we do admit there are some rotten ones amongst us...
But that's about it!

Well...if you didn't wish to spend time with us...
If you never wanted to share what's deep in your heart...
If you hated our 'mundane' queries..
If you hated us for being 'different'..
why on earth did you guys befriend us in the first place??
you considered us your gal friend..
one of your many 'trophies'..
boasted of us to all in sight..
when to us you were simply a good FRIEND..

You often made the first move..
Chased us sore..
Wooed us with those red roses..
Besieged us with those inane calls..sometimes well into the night..
Bugged us with your PJs..
Nauseated us with your smelly socks..
Made us cook elaborate meals..
Just to please your heavy bellies..
Made false promises..
We saw through your lives..your lies more often than not..
But noble as we are..
We simply TOLERATED you!

We were too soft on you..
Enquired of you ..
(sometimes you REALLY needed a bath!)
Because we are basically caring by nature..not brash and arrogant..
selfish or proud
We realise albeit too late..
we should have simply shown you the DOOR!

So dear guys..
Next time you want a girl friend..
Try looking for a PUPPY!

(Here's wishing us a 'happy' women's day!)

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