Well, all these years I had been your ardent fan. With those muscles that threatened any moment to burst out of your shirt sleeves..your awesome southie good looks, that shy little smile that flashes itself like a lone star in a dark night sky...who wouldn't be?

I watched your CID shows for an entire year..and was so sad sometimes when I saw only Abhijeet inspector and not you! I mean they had great trouble breaking open front doors without you! Poor Pradhyuman could only rotate his wrist in dismay, with his trademark,'kuch to gadbad hai, abhijeet!'
How do you do it? The breaking of doors?
Hope you have a door bell in your home!

What do you eat to get that great built? Do please exercise in moderation. Am worried about your health. And CID's future too!

But today I'm in even greater awe of you. You ask me why.
I read in the papers that you took leave from CID for some days and left for Kedarnath. "They(CID) can do without me for ten days," you had said.

You promised to help the army in providing service to the needy and helpless there. You said you'd do just about anything to be of some help.
You never donated a large sum as others publicised in the papers and media. But you went there quietly, risking your life..spending your time and resources without much fanfare. Simply to bring a smile on someone's face.

Dear Dayajee, after this act of yours, you needn't smash open doors. Doors would automatically open for you. Everywhere you go.

For you are for me not a mere reel life hero now, but a real life hero too!

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