Dad, when you took me in your arms for the first time... My twinkling eyes and your smiling face...
When you held my little fingers and we walked down the pavement, holding my hand when I stumbled...
You telling me all those fairy tales which had a super hero and a little princess. You didn't know but I saw the hero in you dad.
Those good night kisses and when you tucked me in the bed. I didn't want you to switch off the lights. I was scared. But you made me trust god. For me, the god was you.
When I found out life was a roller coaster ride, you were there to pick me up when I fell down, to show me the way when I lost myself. You are and idol dad.
Thank you for forgiving me when I was an idiot, thank you for correcting me when I was wrong, thank you for being my dad. Overall, thank you for existing in my life. For, without you, my life would've been nothing but a dry desert.

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