I remember my childhood,
What it was like,
In a Posh neighborhood,
With Ur Pulsor Bike,
U walked me to school
Every morning,
I used to hold Ur hand
And Keep yawning,
We discussed homework
And Cribbed About Staff
As we Crossed the Road
And u Dropped me off.
I remember Dozing off
In the Backseat Of Zen,
U would carry me to bed
I was Sure back then.
Dressing up as Santa
With a Fake Cotton Beard
Getting me a Secret Barbie
I knew as I Heard
U walk into my room
And Silently Keep the Gifts
There was No Santa
But You Had me in splits
With Ur Dance & Song
My Childhood passed along.
U watched me Grow,
Succeed, Fail, Angry and Low,
Distance separates us
I miss Li'l things
Can't explain how,
Watching u get dressed every morning,
Walking back every afternoon
with Ur Briefcase in Hand &
A Smile on Ur Face.
Those Li'l Things,Dad
I miss my place.
U are The Hero,
The Man Who Knows It All,
I'v Always looked up to You
To Catch me When I Fall.
We'v Been Through Our Share of Highs & Lows,
U'v Handled it Well
And That's How it Goes,
Here's to The Father
Who Is Awesome in His Own Way
Wishing U Papa,
A Happy Father's Day!!

Tags: Father's day

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