Dear A,

I've been watching you for quite some time.
You really baffle me.
What are you really?

A Priya,Riya or Sopan, Popan?
Let me ask you straight?
Why hide behind this name?

I mean are you Male or Female, surely you can't be both!
Why are you so afraid to reveal your name?
You submit your ideas,then run for cover under that name.

Its disgusting.
You write heavy stuff,sometimes spewing venom disguised in sweet garb.
Is it because you are insecure?
Worried about someone climbing ahead of you?

Come on,Anonymous,be a man!
Don't be a coward.
Speak your views aloud.

Be reassured,no one's gonna hurt you.
We have our own stuff to deal with,than why you?
Come on,gather your guts, end this suspense..
and let the world know who you really are!

I'm calling you to fight.
This cowardice.
On a level playing field.

You ask me,how dare I take you on?
Well.I'm well within my rights.
Doing it for fun
I can write on anything under the sun!

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