After telling you dey loved you, and calling you names like
baby, cutie, swthert, babu...mesmerising u by deir
compliments.. to make u blv how much dey lu u. Did dey
told u , u were gud looking? I bet dey dedicated songs to
u.. Or maybe dey always mention how dey were unable to
sleep n wish u were dere wd u. Dey did sweet little things
dat dragged "I love you" out of you, didn't dey ? Yeah,
don't deny it. Dey would talk to you last thing at night
and first thing in the morning. Dey made you love certain
pics of urs, certin songs, certain movies.. Did you delete
those pictures after dey broke your heart? ( me too )
All of your friends hate him now, don't they ? Remember
how happy they were for you ? They warned you. Just
remember, it's okay to cry. And calling dem bad names
(abuses like-bastard, bitch etc) is perfectly expected.
Because, trust me, you'll end up talking about dem just as
often, if not more, than before. There will be the "one
time"s and "I remember"s, and once you think you r over
dem, u have moed on but watch out, next moment u may b
crying 4 dem. And finally sumday uu may see, dem wd
other person..a little part of you will want to warn dat
person, but may be u wud hating dem, blame dem for your
pain.U wud abuse dem coz dey took ur place and ur hopes
of gttng dem back sumday wud die aftr seeing it.But da
hard part shall cum, now u will not trust ppl anymore.U
will compare da new one wd ur Ex, bcz for u dey were
perfct, everything you wanted. Or maybe you made that up.
And the most important thing is don't ever let dem know
dey had hurted u beyond, show dem u r more happier
wdout dem... Don't let dem know dey could have you back
in a heartbeat. Don't give dem the satisfaction of seeeing u
suffer. Make dem think you're completely happy. And if
sumday dey decide to smile back at u, dont hold
grudges..just talk formally.Make dem think dey dey r no
more important 4 u.Listen, believe me,you'll find a better
person for you, just like everybody says you will, and it
will be soon. Okay, so I didn't believed it too earlier, but i
actually did, n dts bcz i gave myself another chance... i
desrv it.. n u too...

::::: PK ♥ MâĎĎÝ :::::

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