I am prone to daydreaming. I am prone to wandering off to some other world and living an entire life in the span of an hour. The weird part is that the world in my head isn’t much different from reality—except that I might have a super super dream job, or have sold a million books, or—

Ever feel like you're somehow living the wrong version of your life? That, out of all the different universes parallel to ours, there's actually a world different from the one you've always known, were you're living out the life you've always expected you would end up living?

I would love to one day,

be sitting at wooden table with a hot beverage steaming close by.

It’s an autumn morning,

I’d be in a place where the leaves actually turn orange, brown and red.

I’ve never experienced a real autumn morning so I’m not quite sure if tea or coffee would be appropriate.I’d be wearing one of those slightly festive sweaters, you know the slightly large ones with snow flakes. As I draw my self back to the room I place my finger tips on the writting diary and it feels like the first time. I’ve never owned a diary although I’ve always wanted to.

I don’t know what I’d be writing about.

What I know is that I will have a peace in my life that is well deserved.

I’ll have love in my life like… like I knew someday I’d have because I believed in it.

I will be seeing the world through the clearest eyes.

So maybe I’ll be writing about the peace, love and beauty around me,

or maybe I’ll be writing about the peace,love and beauty within me.

Either way I’m looking forward to this day.

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