Haha, I can guess what just came in your mind. :D No, It is not that romantic hangout with any guy or girl. It is not even that one which I would love to have after a spicy meal...
But, yes it is the one marking the number of days in a month. I want to remember dates of some important days in my life. But I just cannot! After all I am not any recorder! How about keeping a diary? The idea is feasible! but what about the burden of piling up a number of them and caring about loads of pages! moreover, it sometimes bore me. . . Keeping a diary :/ I do love others' diaries but Cannot just keep my own even when there are a lot of things I want to scribble about! Such as my first funny bunk, my first dramatic lie to a teacher, my first movie in cinema, my growing up, my important lessons, my silliest mistakes, my most grim moments, my happiest times and my loveliest chums!
Well, I do not remember the dates but I remember the time very well! I can replay all of those like a CD player. I remember the moments, the stories, the comments, the expressions, the scenes and the outfits even! WHY I no remember the dates !!! :(
Well, I am writing this all for one reason, i.e, my third video call/chat and the first one with my sweetest friend :) His innocent face urged me to call him sweet :D otherwise, it would have been the "best" friend. so, it was 22nd September, 2013 (Sunday).
Shall I call it sweet, lovely, or just good Day?? I think it was wonderful!! Yes, It was! And a bit confused too :D not much :p If he reads this he is surely gonna smile! But I was not confused that much, boy :/ ... It was simply good_being with him. Pleasant feelings.
I want to ask something, do the dates matter?? Or just remembering the moments is enough? I used to think that remembering dates means giving a value to that time. . . but, I think now that having that time is more important than any thing else!! being involved in it! Because, if you remember the date but do not remember the details then there is no use of recalling that day!!!
A video call/chat, or other small things may don't need any elaboration in your life. But They do, in mine! I found it true that, "We remember the moments, not days and months" and I live in moments!!! Therefore I filled this whole page just to give real value to and to remember one of my best times!

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