The internet connection at my place is a limited one. Yet it is such a nuisance that sometimes I feel like taking the modem and crash it hard on the ground! The internet is disconnected so often that sometimes, out of sheer hot rage, I have to just switch off the PC itself so as not to lose my temper..

Last year, in my school holidays, I began playing scrabble online on facebook. I was leading an impressive winning streak, having beaten several adults and friends. Then my streak went all in the mud-water when one night, in the heat of a match, where I was leading by more than 50 points, the stupid internet disconnected and my opponent forced forfeited me. I was boiling with so much rage, that I remained speechless.

Nowadays, It's frustrating me even more. When I am sharing an interesting picture on facebook, Or having an important chat with a classmate regarding some school matters, the internet gets disconnected. Sometimes, It has lead to disconnections the moment I click. I even counted once, internet was disconnected more than 10 times in 10 minutes, and seriously, you don't expect me to get furious!!!

Hope I will get better connection in the future.. as for now.. Its better this piece of crap than nothing at all!!.. :D

Tags: Humor

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