Dad-in-law and I had a long chat this morning. This is after years into my marriage with his son.
He was singing softly to himself..loud to others!...when I walked up to him and whispered, 'Dad, it's lovely to hear you singing and not groaning in pain!'
He smiled his great smile and proceeded to talk.
Pointing upwards he muttered, 'He brought me through it all.'
I nodded.

After almost one year of suffering, he's swiftly regaining health.
To think doctors had given up on him.
One hospital refused to admit him, saying he had no hope.
But dad's faith, his strong will coupled with a thousand prayers made on his behalf worked miracles.
He's able to get off his bed on his own, go to the loo with help and best of all..
eat solid food (unmashed) after one whole year.
His speech is not slurred at all.

I heard with rapt attention as he went on.
'My mom was a great cook. She had little but made such variety of dishes with whatever she had.'
I was shaken.
Maybe he expects me to do the same!
My mind went into tumbles, thinking what I'd make for lunch.

'What do you want to eat at noon?' I interrupted his ramble.
I stared at this well educated, intelligent, self assured, self made, humble man as he went on and on describing His goodness.
Finally, I rose up to go, smiling.
Turning to Mom, I remarked, 'How lovely it was to listen to dad speak!'
'He's saying this for the umpteenth time.' Mom-in-law muttered wearily.
That shut dad up.
He began singing as soon as he saw her go.

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