I keep reading posts of dads of late. So I thought I'd write of mine too.

My dad's a dynamic man. He never says die.
In fact he keeps facing near death situations, but the fighter in him refuses to quit.
He laughs when we call him up later.
'Ha ha you all thought I'm gonna die. I'm still a fat rolling bean(literal translation of malayalam). I'll live till 91.'
I wish I got some of that spirit in me.

Dad and I always shared a love hate relationship. I was closer in fact to mom.
He used to be blunt, so a bit scary. Mom was sweet and gentle.
In the early eighties, dad used to cycle his way to work, just 10 minutes from our home.
One early morning, he agreed to drop me to my bus stop.
The seat was slanting at an angle. Suddenly a bump appeared on the road..
I was down on the middle of the road!
He rebuked me impatiently for not sitting properly when it was actually his seat's mistake.
He 'dropped' me alright to my stop that morning!

Dad was always scared of crossing a busy road. Something I inherited from him alright.
A bullock cart one mile away and he'd be clutching at our hands waiting to let it pass!

Dad's a self made man. He started from scratch years ago and now reaps the benefits of his hard labor.

He's a man of immense faith.
He actually went and placed a copy of the Bible through the window of the house we were wanting to possess as our new company quarters.
It was bigger and he wanted it badly. But the authorities wouldn't allow him to have it. So he stealthily placed the Book into the vacant bedroom.
He confessed it would soon be ours.
Months later, we moved into the house.

Dad loved to help people. He always searched out for poor folk and was generous to them.

He had this awesome sense of humor (I got that..thank God). He made folk laugh with his funny quips. He loved people quite unlike reticent mom.
He had to be the star at social gatherings.

Dad had a tough childhood. So he made sure we wouldn't need to struggle to study.

He loved good food. He was a good cook too. His fish fries are something to die for.

But he's quite hot tempered. Then he lets off words somewhat colorful.
He used to drink his little pegs till one day he fell very sick.

So now he's sobered up. But not his former confident self.
He needs someone to take him places. A far cry from his usual i-can-do-anything demeanor.

But we still have dad.
With all his weaknesses, yet his strengths outdo them all.
He's been through lots of heartache, but he refuses to let it bother him.

I never wrote of dad till today.
I always had a love hate relationship with him.
But I hope from now on ...
it'd just be love!

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