I watched a cute video recently.
Of a small boy and his tiny sister walking holding hands.
As they walked, they suddenly came across a depression on the pavement. A deep, open pit actually.

They stopped in their tracks.
But only for a second.
The boy lay full length onto the pit, in such a way that his body covered it completely.
The little girl then walked over his back and crossed easily.
The boy got up, crossed, holding his sister's hands again...
resumed walking!

The video was so touching.
The boy never thought twice of what he was about to do.
I'm sure the girl would remember this all her life.

Coming back out of my reverie...
I'm reminded of another man..
the scenario here a trifle different
for he's years younger than me
but he walked ahead of me
topped the charts for months..
he saw me approaching

Ah..well he waited for me!

While others would have gone into overdrive, working furiously, climbing harder...
he preferred to take a backseat
and let me climb over his back...
to bridge the gap
and cross over!

Honestly, I didn't want to.
But a fanatic that I am..
I couldn't stay long without doing what I do
not for mere praise
but just to bless someone on the way

Thanks brother..
for letting me take your place
you can have it any time you want
you're definitely more talented
but I...
am just a regular hard worker.

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