News nowadays is so confusing.

One day they say eggs are full of cholesterol. The next day another study suggests three eggs could be gobbled per day! Now where did the cholesterol go all of a sudden?

They used to say coconut oil was bad for you. If you want to go to the grave early, use it for cooking.
Now it's a reverse. It's been proved, it's the healthiest cooking medium!

Someone once said 4-6 hours nightly sleep was enough for a human body. But now they say it's 8-10 hours. Thank God I always believed in the latter:)

Today they said a little drinking is good for pregnancy. All this while doctors shouted themselves hoarse against would-be moms partaking of it.

I have heard people recommending 1 tablespoon of cinnamon mixed with honey to cure coughs, cold and even to lose weight.
But days later, I discovered consuming cinnamon regularly damages organs!

Ill effects of mobile phones, microwaves is already well known.
Hope they won't come up now warning us against using shampoos, soap or bathing altogether!
For all you know they may ban use of underwear one fine day.

So I decided to stop reading this crap.
I would go only by my gut feeling.

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