I showed good heart but it was too bad,
You sobbed on phone, screamed on you; mad
You gifted me smile, all made I you sad,
Me, O baby! I am so awful so bad.

I made you cry, cry for your love your care,
You longed for me, I wasn’t there
You carried tears, tears those were of my share
You floundered in pain, I pulled your hair
Me, O baby! I am so awful so bad.

I played the game; I played your heart,
Innocent your heart, I played, threw in dirt
I was laughing, standing on my feet
Yes baby, to see you down on knees,
Me, O baby! I am so awful so bad.

Bestow me pain, honey! Pain that I deserve
Punish my soul; throw me out of the verve
Thank you; you gone, I burn in fire
Act of sanctum, guilty, I do admire
Each moment I die, is justice for my sins.

I am sorry for everything, all pain I caused,
I do apologize for your life I paused
Take all the blame for everything wrong
To seek thy forgiveness I write this song.
Never show mercy on me, merciless I am that lad,
Me, O baby! I am so awful so bad.

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