I always used 2 wonder..how can I be silent,clueless and blank whenever I meet him,thousands f words surround me every morning when I think of him,there is so much to say so much to discuss n so much I wish I could share wid him..but alas all my thoughts..all my words chose silence over my voice time n again..why is it dat everyday I wish meeting him,my heart skips a beat with the very desire to talk to him..but all my wishes..all my thoughts are crushed everytime by d barritone in his voice or his cold behaviour whenever v used 2 meet..at first I used 2 justify his actions thinking it is in his behaviour..but how can someone be so insensitive,so ignorant nd so hard hearted to flash a smile or be polite..he made me believe he has a grey side to his personality..which he often named his intellectual side which was hard 2 believe,does ur intellectual side teach u to behave insensitively 2wards a person who has cared n love u all her life..is it justified??..he made me believe I was d victim f my own expectations..my desires have killed me and hurted me always..he believes in the virtue f selfishness n makes u believe  d world is selfish so are you,that's why I expect him to treat me in a certain way which I believe is right and he believes is rubbish...is it??..i always used 2 wonder till lately I realised..if I was selfish I would give way to my selfish interest always,would rather chose my self esteem over his repetitive rude outbursts..life is nt always determined by ur selfish interest ..?smtimes u simply bear d pain f making oders happy by putting aside ur wish..moving away frm ur comfort zone u take steps to make sm1 else happy..i knw all d answers 2day 2 d abv questions dat why was I silent whenever I met him..talk 2 him..its because I loved his illusion who had a face like him nd heart like mine who always used 2 vanish seeing him..now I finaly have all d answers..nd I finaly have smthing 2 regret abt all my life today..d fact that I was once in love with you and today I bid bye to all my sorrows all my pain.!!

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