Have you heard of the Competitive Mom? The one who goes to great...ridiculous lengths to see 'her' kiddos perform better than the other 'ordinary' ones?

She cannot rest day or night, till she's outperformed one more mom.
So she plots, she frets and fumes..she schemes with amazing, cunning agility.

She's the best, hers must be the cream... so she'll stoop to almost anything, to fulfill this her very dream, even if it means stomping on someone's vulnerable back.

Her kids are the Most intelligent, Most talented, so she thinks..so she says.
Little does she know, she's the butt of the neighbors' sarcastic jokes.

As for her offspring, burdened with the biggest burden of outperforming every Tom, Dick and Harry, they're forced to attend hundreds of after school classes.

Into sports, into music, dance and thousand other things, they don't get time to sit or play, be themselves as other ordinary ones.

They're tired of this game of pretension, their super mom has forced them to play. Jack of all trades, mastering none.
One day they'll break up, the pressure's there for all to see.

So, please mom, let your kids be as they are. Don't make them what you're not.
Let them choose what they're good at, be patient..wait...they'll bloom.

Some'll right away, some might very late.
It's their life, their childhood.
Your kiddos, your life.
So why not leave them alone
every once in a while!

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