COMMITMENT is not a scary word... if u wanna hav a
healthy relationship....just luv n care 4 ur ptner.. n let dem
knw dey r important to u....if u want sum1 in ur life....u
shud put sum efforts to show dey r da most important
portions of ur lives....
u just need undrstndng btwn ech othr ....u shud gve ech
othr sum space but ds space shud not create a gap....btwn
u 2...evn if u fght da end of da day make sure u
tell ech othr...."i luv u"...
try to knw ech othr's priorities,needs,likes,dislike
s...remembr n respct dem...smtyms show ur luv n care...
make dem feel required...ask 4 der opinions too... if u
wanna knw how much u luv ur patner..try to imagine ur
luv in sum1else's arms....if it shatters ur into pieces..b
sure u madly luv ur patner...
relationships r 4 2 ppl whu feel happy wd ech othr....let ur
relationship blosoom wd pure n tru feelngs...bcz dey r da
rsn 4 ur smile...n life...
o feels da awsomest feeling if u knw dat sum1 luvs
u too exctly like u do...
if u had sum1 in mind wile reading shows u hav
feelngs 4 dem..!

::::: PK ♥MâĎĎÝ :::::

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