I was sitting at the coffee shop with a friend of mine, chatting and discussing every nonsense that exists in the world. The tables were round having those typical red and white check clothing and a flower in a glass kept in the center.
I saw a guy there, very different from others, so charming and irresistible, that I couldn't take my eyes off him. Wearing a white shirt blue jeans, donning the classy look, really tall with wheatish complexion, the kind of guy I always portrayed and fantasized about. Not too skinny neither too muscular, just the perfect built. He had dark brown eyes, and medium length hair, with slight stubble. He looked hot!
He walked through the door and sat right in front of my table, where I could easily see him. He was busy with his phone, texting at first, maybe he was waiting for someone to arrive and was enquiring about the same.
I noticed each and every expression on his face while typing, writing his own thought, and then the wait for the arrival of the message. Meanwhile he started to explore the surroundings, looking here and there, up at the ceiling, then at someone sitting at the corner. Then looking at some far away place, lost in his own thoughts. Then arrived the message, his expression changed, excited to receive the message. A smirk that I could notice, within the split of a second he started writing his reply with all the happiness in his eyes and excitement on his face. I could easily make out it was his date and he was waiting for her to come.
Then again, he was alone, kept his phone inside his pocket and his eyes went again exploring the place.
The cafe was big, with old vintage settings. I liked the old school look and it made me visit the place regularly
Meanwhile, I too was enjoying my coffee with friend, she was busy with her phone and I was all on my own and thus I had all the time in the world to notice the guy.
While I was sipping my coffee, I again looked at him, this time he was looking straight at me. I was shocked and my facial expressions changed, I started blushing. If a nonhot boy stares at you relentlessly and it is, at best, awkward and, at worst, a form of assault. But a hot boy... well.
I put the mug down and looked away. My face towards the window but my eyes seeking an opportunity to look back at him. I couldn't resist and looked at him from the corner of my eye. He was sitting right there looking at me this time again.
I looked at him, looked down, sipped my coffee, again looked at him.
We looked into each other's eyes, our first eye contact. He smiled, but I didn't. Looked away.
I became too conscious, which happens with me half of the time.
We had a lot of peek-a-boo moments, looking at each other, wanting not to get caught, yet hoping to get noticed.
Finally, it was time for me to go back, he was still waiting there, but wasn't texting.
I got up, still looking at him, picked my stuff, and while I was tying up my hair, he coughed a little, I looked at him. He signalled me not to, and smiled.
And of course, I didn't.
While I was going out, I looked back for the last time, smiled and moved out.

Tags: Short Story

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