Climate to climax….!

Moving air is termed as wind, then what should we call the moving weather conditions around here, which is in contrast with usualities…..?
Hope that our scientists are still in their researches to give out a far better definition and inner dimension for this. Even after hearing of yet another hundred ill-effects likely to happen in the very next day, we are just dumb, as that in a tough critical state collapsed with daily technologies …!

Conditions and variations:

As per the latest review on climatic forecasts, it has been recorded that the country is to face a drastic drought this year. For the past ten years the annual rainfall here comes down gradually, and so this year the worst is to happen.

Inside there…:

In many of the states here, especially in Kerala it is noted for a huge horrible trouble this year with climatic disorders. Majority of the districts in Kerala are said to face crucial droughts this year. Planning and planning to overcome the tough task, we are now about to reach the peak of difficulties to have no water around for this vacation season.

Think….but where are the actions..?

Even during this critical stage of abnormalities between man and earth, we are not just concerned to reduce for our good tomorrows ahead. We people are just always in a thought to live our todays cheerfully and is it always really nice?
But,then isn’t it necessary to think of our future at least once within this enjoyment…?
Isn’t it important to care for our children, who are to suffer of our activities, then?

We are the problem-makers:

Yes, we are the creators of this particular problem around and so do you know how you have been the creators of this issue….?
The answers are so simple, it starts from the chocolate rubbish you have thrown here, which led to reduce the groundwater level in a way, then the papers you wasted which emits the cry of several hundred trees, which were related to rain. Now, I think you have reached in almost in all the million little ways of how you have contributed to this strange strategy.

Are we the solutions…?

Yes, we are the solutions for all these problems as we ought to have solutions for this. But it is not so simple as we write down our new-year resolutions every year..! We have to mend our way to the solution, which should then inspire others around to follow…
Plant plants, so that it will bring down your and their thirst down, then reduce the use of those precious resource here. “Preserve nature, and then reserve something for the future.”

Live for….?

Above all these facts, it is also necessary for all the blooms here embedded in new and new innovations in front of the screen to listen to your society and give a care for those. So, we will live in harmony with nature, with no more degrees of heat in the faces, no more climate climaxes here, nor religious riots, we are here to “live and let live”….

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