I hate it when folk spit on the road.
I feel like running up to them and spank their behinds.
Also the litter, the cans...the what not I come across while walking on Mumbai roads.
They have bathrooms built for them, still they love doing it in the open.

I couldn't help laughing at the 'Let's do it'..I think Adidas ad scrawled on a wall in a cartoon.
A small boy is shown peeing at the wall.
Funny.. but stinking.

Why are we Indians so filthy?
Look at trains, buses...long distance trains must be handled with care.
On our trip to Coimbatore some time back, we had rats, roaches crawling all over.
Toilets too were unkempt.
Men should be taught from infant hood to aim right into the bowl.
Wives must whack their bottoms if their hubbies don't.

People abroad dread us Indians visiting them.
We talk so loud and self importantly on our mobile phones, we spoil the cleanest rest rooms, scatter tissues all around.... We water the entire place except the intended area... we munch on home bought stuff noisily, break queues at shopping destinations if possible.

And then we cry. We're being discriminated against.
Man, anyone would want to throw such dirty people out of their country.

So please, please my fellow country men
do lets make a vow this year
to clean up our act
for if we don't, we'd soon drown ourselves in our own self made sea of rubbish.

What with our rich cultural heritage, breathtaking monuments, sculpted ancient wonders...
all we really need is a mighty clean up act.

Let's make our nation the most sought after tourist destination in the world
and ourselves...the most preferred tourists anywhere in the world.

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