Life come to think of it has always ran in circles. You can never know where one phase ends or one phase starts. Its always been a loop. See outside! Dream inside! Believe! Forgive! It’s all circular jugular isn’t it? A great philosopher and writer Mr. Richard Bach says,

“What the caterpillar calls the end of the world… the master calls a butterfly.”

Really figuratively if we think it through it has always been like that, Was born and would end.. Life and death.. racket and shuttle.. tennis and ball.. Be born..let live and die.. over your head what moved was all a hot circle and a cold circle. A thought cloud.. A sweet dream.. A wishful tear.. I sighed relief..

We all move making either eight or zero.. When we make eight and there is an intersection we proclaim it to be perhaps dejavu or can say “ I see you.. you see me” . If not a dejavu then it becomes a dialogue. “ Do you read me Roger!”

When we make Zeros we make it all more classy and boring or dull . Point is it’s circle in different axis. Its circle above and below. When I was in school, working on my mathematics paper,

The brainy author defined “Circle is the locus of points on a plane that are a fixed distance from a central point”.

Yup another circle , a smaller one though we said its point. Okay not dwelling further or rather taking any kind of microscopic view.

What we have lived and will live . It has been these dots. The contour of various paradigm that surround us have been encapsulated by these small points of life.

Peeping through the window hole of my life. I have finally reached another defining point. I don’t know whether it’s a new start or carry over. I am apprehensive, Yes sir! I am. But nevertheless excited because when uncertainty is high, probability of change is also high. You can move on the axis either way.. Whatever it be. It would be new.

It’s so fascinating to see.. As we move forward in life we tend to make our circle smaller.. that’s why velocity increases and you start feeling the pace of world going up. Tired! Bored! Dejection! Moment of euphoria all come by eventually.

During this last two year here in Futures First , I think I have gone through almost every other emotion.. feeling.. My circle seems to be not of stout thread . This life has made it all the more stretchable. Rubber band!

Last few months have changed me. I do feel it inside. I have grown as a person. For once now things doesn’t matter anymore it seems. Read somewhere its all about freedom.. Its all about your imagination. It’s all about stretching your circle back to larger one.

Today when I was writing my Business Plan . One of the case was of Steve Jobs! Boy! Fascinated I couldn’t stop smiling. I have this faith now. I have the believe. I will and I would. Stay Hungry and Stay Foolish!

P.S: Forgive any mistakes..right now I am too high!

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